Seat and back cushion Wing light armchair

The Wing armchair creates a fresh momentum for outdoor furnishings. Its name says it all: The slightly tilted armrests – like wings – provide the optimum aesthetic design for the armchair. Subtle colours ensure a timeless elegance. This outdoor furniture is a perfect combination of powdercoated aluminum and tear- as well as weather resistant braided outdoor fabric. The crafted wickerwork offers a comfortable upholstered seat. The apparent quality with premium materials and attention to detail workmanship continues in depth. The woven cords are filled with a wide, soft and dimensionally stable plastic tape and leave nothing to be desired on the material side.
A comfortable Seat and back cushion made of water permeable QuickDryFoam is optionally available for both Wing armchair and sidechair. The available colours match the colours of the seating and backrest perfectly.



Water repellent


Quick dry foam


Seat and back cushion Wing light armchair

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